Loose motions, commonly known as diarrhea, can be an uncomfortable and distressing condition. They are characterized by frequent, watery bowel movements and can be caused by various factors such as infections, food intolerances, medications, or even stress. While severe cases require medical attention, many mild cases can be managed effectivelyRead More →

Regular breast exams are an essential component of maintaining your health as you age. Regular breast exams are advised beginning at age 40 or earlier if you have a more significant risk factor for breast cancer. If this is your first breast exam, you probably have a lot of questionsRead More →

Imagine waking up before dawn, with the thought of spinal stenosis crown point already on your mind. As the sun begins to rise, you’re preparing for a marathon day, a day filled with delicate procedures and critical decisions. Picture this – the surgical theatre buzzing with anticipation, the loud hum of machinery,Read More →

Imagine a time when vascular surgery was more of an art than a science. A time when pioneering surgeons faced numerous challenges and very few solutions. Now, fast-forward to today, to an era where innovative minds like Dr. Eugene Tanquilut Tinley Park has revolutionized the realm of vascular surgery. The journey, theRead More →

Welcome to the intriguing world of the foot, the foundation of your mobility, your dance, your race, your leap! Working in the heart of the upper east side/midtown podiatry scene, I’ve seen a myriad of foot disorders that would make even the most seasoned marathon runner wince. But how do we, theRead More →

Imagine this: It’s a chilly morning in West New York. You’re sipping your coffee, looking out at the skyline, and thinking about a career switch. No more mundane 9 to 5 for you. You want something challenging, meaningful, and rewarding. As your eyes wander over your morning newspaper, one termRead More →